Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

A tale of two customer service approaches, part 1.

So earlier this week, I needed two large FedEx boxes to ship some dresses to a reseller (Artrhythms.com).  I went to FedEx store #A--no large boxes, although the counter serviceperson offered to sell me two boxes to ship the dresses.  I suggested that, perhaps, because his FedEx store was out of boxes, he might want to find some for me rather than charge me for other materials.

He did, and he sent me to FedEx store #B.  This store bent over backwards to be helpful:  found me the boxes, helped me ship them, gave me additional supplies, and--throughout it all--everyone behind the counter was professional, with lovely senses of humor.

Guess which store I'll use from now on?

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